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Panatech Business Machines Private Limited has been at the forefront of the office equipment industry since our inception on 17th September 1999. The company was established by Mr. Henry Stephen, Managing Director of Focus Business Machines Limited, Scotland, and Jesudhas Duthie, with the goal to import and distribute Panasonic photocopier spare parts and consumables.


Over the years, we've expanded our services and products, becoming an authorized direct service provider and dealer for renowned brands like Panasonic, Konica Minolta, and HP. Today, we offer a wide range of office solutions including machine rentals, installations, on-call assistance, buying and selling, leasing, servicing, and Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC). We take pride in delivering these comprehensive services, ensuring businesses nationwide can operate at peak efficiency.


Our unique contract agreements emphasize premium customer service and product differentiation, and our marketing strategy aims to perfectly align consumers and products. This approach has helped us build a diverse customer base, reaching 59 locations across India from Jammu to Kanyakumari and Guwahati to Jamnagar.


Growth is at the heart of our journey. We attribute our success to the knowledge and dedication of our loyal employees, the quality of our partnered brands, and our commitment to consistent quality improvement. We are currently pursuing an internal quality initiative to streamline our processes, enhance service delivery, and ensure customer satisfaction. With most of our procedures now written and an implementation phase on the horizon, we are ready to step into the next chapter of our growth.


At Panatech, we strive to bring the best of office equipment solutions to businesses, powering them to achieve their objectives efficiently and effectively. We look forward to continuing to serve our clients with dedication and expertise.

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